A job interview is an exercise that requires careful preparation. 
It's important to make a good impression and stand out from the other candidates. 
Each recruiter has his or her own methodology, but here's a list of recurring job interview questions that you should prepare for.

12 July 2023 • FED Group • 6 min

Do you want to get the job you’ve been looking for? One thing is for sure : before you get the job, you are going to have to meet recruiters during interviews. Whether your interview takes place in person or remotely, if you want to put all the chances on your side, it is very important to prepare for it and anticipate any questions you may be asked. This preparation will structure your presentation and help you gain confidence in front of the recruiter. 

1. Can you introduce yourself in a few words? 

During an interview, the first thing you will be asked to do is give a concise, chronological presentation of your career path. This first question enables the recruiter to check that the information given in your CV is correct. It is advised to practice your oral skills in preparation for your interview, so that you can manage your time well. Depending on how long you have been on the job market for, recruiters have different expectations. Indeed, for newcomers to the employment market, it is advisable to talk about your training and experience in relation to the position. On the other hand, for people with many years of professional experience, such as executives, it is preferable to talk about the projects you have carried out in the course of your previous career. 

2. What can you tell me about the company?

When you apply for a position, it is very important to find out about the company. During an interview, show recruiters that you are well-informed and that you are genuinely interested in the company. To prepare yourself as well as possible, make sure you keep up to date by consulting their website, social medias and news… Show that you have an overall knowledge of the company, including its values, culture, activity or main department.

3. Why did you choose our company? 

You should be able to answer this question without hesitation. Show your motivation – the aim is not to overly praise the company, but to remain natural. Stay true to yourself and show recruiters that your profile matches the company’s values and culture. Explain what you see as the company’s added value, and why you decided to apply. To help you prepare for this question, you can refer to your cover letter, which includes the reasons why you chose this company. 

4. Why are you the ideal candidate? 

This is not a trick question, but it could become one depending on your answer. Don’t be overconfident, even if you have all the qualifications for the job. The purpose of this question is to check that you’ve fully understood the job description. Explain any previous projects you’ve worked on to confirm that you have the skills required for the job.

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is an easy question to answer, given that nobody knows themselves better than they do. Yet many candidates find themselves at a loss when faced with this question. Usually, this is due to a lack of preparation. It is sometimes difficult to judge yourself, so we advise you to ask your close circle to help you answer this question. Once you’ve defined your strengths and weaknesses, you need to justify your answers by giving examples of professional situations where these traits appeared. When you talk about your weaknesses, make sure you show that they do not prevent you from taking up the job, and that you are capable of challenging yourself. 

6. Tell me about your former employer? 

Do not under any circumstances denigrate your former company or employer, as this could be badly perceived and cause a real hindrance to the rest of the recruitment process. Talk about the projects you have worked on with your former colleagues and the skills you have acquired. The aim is not to lie to make yourself look good, but to give your feelings, as long as you do not point the finger and justify what you are saying.

7. How do you see your career?

Be doubly vigilant about this question during your job interview. It will determinate whether the candidate has set long-term goals. You need to make sure that your ambitions are in line with the development opportunities the company can offer you. To answer this question, consult the company’s website and professional social networks. We encourage you to answer this question at every interview, even if the recruiter doesn’t ask it, as a sign of your motivation. 

8. Are you a leader? 

Be careful, the notion of leader allows us to know if you are capable of exercising responsibilities. Even if you have never had the role of manager, being a “leader” here is more about the candidate’s state of mind. The recruiter expects you to give examples of concrete cases in your past experiences where you had to demonstrate leadership. It is important to show that you have good interpersonal skills with your colleagues and that you are capable of bringing a project to a successful conclusion.

9. What are your salary expectations? 

This is a tricky question, so to avoid feeling uncomfortable about it, we advise you to base yourself on the salary ranges practiced on the market for a similar position with the same requirements in terms of experience and training. During the interview, make it clear that you are fully aware of market prices, rather than stating your desired sum. On the other hand, you can estimate the minimum salary for which you would accept the position, as well as the maximum amount for which you think you could qualify. Always be sure to back up your statements with references to your experience, training and past projects.

10. Do you have any questions? 

At the end of each interview, it is essential to prepare questions to ask, even if you have already done some research on the company. The aim is not to ask questions just for the sake of asking a question, but to find out more about the position and how the company operates, for example: What kind of management style does the team have? Are there quantified objectives, and if so, what are the means given to achieve them? For recruiters, your questions will reinforce your interest in the company.

Once you have worked through all these questions, the success of your interview will depend on your preparation. Make sure your answers are well-crafted, while maintaining a professional tone and structure your answers to make your presentation flow smoothly and stay in context.

Fed Finance is a recruitment firm specializing in finance, accounting and payroll positions, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Are you looking for a job or career development? Take a look at our vacancies on our website or contact one of our consultants for advice and support in your search. You have not found an opening suiting your current search ? Send us your resume through our spontaneous application form.